Sophia and I are handing out candy, toggling back and forth between Buffy the Vampire Slayer (starring David Borneaz, not Dylan McKay) and America's Next Top Model (early prediction: Heather will win it all).
But besides reveling in the best television dramedy since ... well, ever ... I have a few other thoughts I'd like to share with you, my faithful LFLL readers.
Number one, I carved my first Jack-o-Lantern last night - not since I was back at 289 Railroad have I had the pleasant experience of penciling in my Jack's face, then cutting off the top of his head and scooping out his innards. For being alone - I think I did a damn good job! Check it:

Yes, it's true.
I just forced you to look at photos of my carved pumpkin. But you know what? You love me. So stop rolling your eyes. I'm proud of myself.
On another topic - SAW.
Now, anyone who REALLY knows me, knows I love horror movies. The truly scary ones, the really gory ones, the really cheesy ones ... I think the genre as a whole is underrated. And I love it.
One of the best horror movies to come along in a while was Saw. Now here, I thought to myself, is the Homecoming Queen of all horror movies. It had it all.
Muted, creepy lighting. Deliciously gore-tastic scenes. A heart drawn with poop. The guy from Robin Hood: Men in Tights. And the plot was INTELLIGENT. Not only do you feel genuine sympathy for the killer (a feat not easily attained with audiences who are there just to see entrails and zombies) but there's also a true twist that really had you saying: "Wow. This was indeed worth the $9.50 I just spent (not including over-buttered popcorn)."
The second Saw was nifty. I enjoyed the different take on the location of the traps, and the OTHER twist of the plot.
Then there was the third one I didn't see on its opening weekend, because my friend's dad had a bad accident the night we were planning on seeing it (he's ok, of course). I did eventually see it, and it was really fabulous to see Lucinda Nicholson have her rib cage torn off.
But, for a movie that started out as arguably the most intelligent horror flick of the last 50 years, it's spawned itself into an unruly, rambling series more closely related to Nightmare on Elm Street or Friday the 13th. And I think it takes away from the intelligence, originality, and overall quality of the first two.
Now, I haven't seen the fourth installment - and I don't like to judge without knowing what I'm talking about. But, what's scarier than Jigsaw's own little Life Lessons in a deadly puzzle?
That the superb first and second installments might loose their credibility, and end up becoming another predictable (yet enjoyable!) horror series that will be reduced to Jigsaw vs. Jason vs. Michael vs. Freddy vs. Predator vs. Howard Dean, The Movie, to be released by Lionsgate in 2012.
Great job on the Pumpkin! Be sure to send these to your mom - she'll be very impressed!
I love it!! A true Buffy fan.!!
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